Logo diversity

By CxTeam | 20 August, 2017


We love the diversity of the boxxd world and we are collecting Boxxd logo’s in different colours.

Please send us your customised logo for our collection.

The logos are for the community gallery with link backs to their creator.

To enable this link backing we need an accompanying meta data file.

Formats and naming


Files can be jpg or png with no transparency.

Logo size

If possible send us your customised logo in a large format such as 800px wide or larger, so that we can render it well on screen as well as in print.

The logo should either look good on a white or black background.

Logo naming

The name can be anything but to enable manual administration and non-overcopying we would prefer the following file naming syntax:

logo-boxxd- <myname> - <number> - <size> - <background> <-blabla> . <format>


  • <background> colour is either white or black,
  • <myname> is the name of yourself or organisation,
  • <number> is to separate different people, i.e. use your birthday,
  • <size> of of the image such as 1200x800,
  • <blabla> is anything you want to add to your file name,
  • <format> of the file i.e. jpg, png.



Meta data

Also send us an accompanying meta data description file in TOML format. See the template below for the file contents.

The file needs to have the same file name, ending in toml. An example naming for the above file:


Send to

Just send us an email with the two files (the .jpg and the .toml ) attached to mylogo@boxxd.org


As we will just drop your files into a directory, we need the meta file if you want to be linked back and to be recognised as the creator of the image.

Meta data template

Just copy the template below including the +++ and put it into the meta file with extension toml, and fill-in between the "" or overwrite the template fields where you want.

title = ""
description = ""

# ***************************************************** #
# If you want to list several people, just copy
# the below including the '[[created]]' heading.
# ***************************************************** #

name = ""
alias = ""
firstName = ""
lastName = ""
city = ""
country = ""
details = ""
url = ""
date = ""

# ***************************************************** #
# Do not change the following
# ***************************************************** #
apiName = "community-logo"
apiVersion = 1
