Words used

By DocLab | 15 July, 2017

Boxxd uses various words as a term or definition throughout the documentation which can be written in various ways.

The boxxd way is listed here for reference.

Decision process

Boxxd has been designed to be easy to use and find its way into normal day use in organisations. Although Boxxd is full of technical stuff, the navigation should be easy to understand for normal users and not be the subject for resistance-to-use.




Written as: Boxxd

Reasons: It is a name (noun). The product is written starting with a capital letter.

Use cases: In case of using the name as a verb - all lower case - i.e. “it is all boxxd up”


Written as: one word

Use: As a description for the file header.


  • “front matter” means “something at the beginning of the book”.

  • Statistics: Google has 6 Mio. uses for front-matter or front matter. The conjugated word “frontmatter” has 800k.

  • Historically words which are often used together will be conjugated with time. It can be expected, that the technical community will prefer the conjugated form.

  • If a user is going to use files with a header - that itself is technical enough for a user to learn the word “frontmatter”.

For Boxxd we are using it as:

  1. a technical term (noun) and
  2. to differentiate it from other uses such as from book building automation where the front parts of the book are referred to as “front matter”.

FAQ: Are not text editor dictionaries showing “frontmatter” to be wrong? Yes :-)


Written as: “Know-how”


  • Even though knowhow is a relevant noun it is not accepted by various editor dictionaries.
  • Statistics: Google finds 400 Mio. results for know-how and 7 Mio. for “knowhow”.


Written as: One word

Use: As the name of the slideshow function.


  • Statistics: Google 330 Mio. “slideshow” finds


Written as: Upper-case

Use: As the name of the TODO file (and Boxxd function).

Reasons: More and more editor programs understand the upper-class form as something “to do” and highlight it as such.

Utility (Internal)

Question: Definition for the internal scripts and functions that are inside Boxxd. “tool” or “utility”?

Reasons: “Utility” is something “smaller”. “Tools” can be reserved for the other stuff around.