Quick Blog

By AlmaLab | 17 August, 2017

The use case

If you want to blog about your work or concept within an organisation, sometimes a quick and simple solution is preferable than to wait weeks until a server is setup by the IT department.

The solution out of the boxxd

The use of the Home page within a boxxd. Home is a page that can be seen a browser and is basically a web based slideshow, so that on each slide you can blog a couple of sentences about your topics. If you want to write long articles, you can use a document template in the Talk directory, write your texts and then link to it from the Home page. Just send your colleagues a link to the home page and Presto! you are done.

5 easy steps

If on an organisational file server:

  1. Download a boxxd such as the mySell°Boxxd to your file server and extract the myBoxxd directory. The file server has to be readable by your colleagues. Rename it to whatever you like i.e. Johns-Blog (Use dashes in the names)
  2. Edit the Home page with a simple text editor like Notepad. It is already pre-configured with “boiler” text. Just change the details and add pages. Add your your name, topics, and make your first blog entry, etc. Tip: Open the file at the same time as you edit it in your browser. When you have done a bit of editing, use R to refresh the page to eee the changes your have made.
  3. If you want you can write long articles in the Talk directory.
  4. In the Home page link to the long articles.
  5. When finished send the path-to-the-file-home.html to your colleagues

If you want to have the page on a web server:

  1. When finished, change Home.html to index.html.
  2. Upload the complete boxxd to your web server.


10 reasons to use

  1. Easy to use even by non-technical personal.
  2. Easy to edit and update with an easy to learn Markdown syntax.
  3. Update it on the go, and just copy over when you are in the office
  4. _Edit with a plain text editor i.e. do it on your PC, Mac, Linux.
  5. Fast
  6. Free
  7. Edit and use the Help and FAQ to answer questions.
  8. Add PDFs and other files in the Items directory for people to download
  9. Embed youTube and other Media 10.Learn what boxxd is and never go back